Raster to Vector Conversionc Service

raster to vector conversion service

What is Raster to Vector Conversion?

Raster to vector conversion is a process through which bitmaps or raster photos are created from pixel grids. The square-shaped pixels carry color information. The common formation of raster photos is JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and more. Raster photographs contain a specific number of pixels.

Thus, when you try to make the pictures larger, they will lose their focus and look fuzzy. There will be nothing left to see but grids with pixels over a hundred or more. So, vector photos are made using a geomantic formula to define the object's shape and color.

When the photo is a raster file, it will lose its quality, but you can edit it to get its smaller or larger file if it is converted into a vector image. The images will still look the same when they are zoomed in.

What is a Raster to Vector Conversion Service?

Now you know well what is a raster to vector conversion. But do you have the right concrete on raster to vector image conversion service? If not, don't worry because we will explain it with simplicity.

All online business companies have their logo. They advertise it to different places. The picture is not always a logo; it can be any photo like product Photographs. They need different size pictures for various purposes. For example, to upload a product photo on Instagram, they needed square shape images.

Sometimes you want to upload the same photo to Facebook or Google. You have to make the picture size bigger since both the sites don't limit the size. Thus, people are interested to see bigger or smaller size photos. Depending on their demand and your need, the photos get resized. But resizing them with automatic applications will not give you the best quality output.

Therefore, you need the raster to vector conversion service. It means a company that provides all the Photo editing facilities using Photoshop will take huge orders from you (hundreds or thousands). They will do the task of converting all the raster images to vectors, and in return, they will charge you a little.

It will ultimately be a big help for you since you will have plenty of time to invest in business. You don't rather have to waste time in vector conversion. Such service is referred to as a raster-to-vector conversion service.

Why Need a Raster to Vector Conversion Service?

If you are new to the online business field, there might be many things you haven't learned about properly. For example, you might have less knowledge of how to boost your sale and income by posting high-quality pictures.

Every learning phase is important. This will help you learn practically what you need and what you don't. Yet, raster to vector conversion service is something known people in business can deny. So, let's see why it's so essential and why you require this service for the following reasons.

For Increased Quality

Every company, especially those who depend mostly on their website, should always upload high-quality images. For a new customer, the first impression stays as the last impression. Hence, it would help if you never shared low-quality photographs on social media.

It can be a picture of a product or a photo that can carry your company logo. No matter what it contains, if it's something informative, make sure the picture quality is good. When downloading the image or zooming in, the viewer should see everything clearly for a better understanding of your company and what you are offering.

For Keeping Photo Details

Every picture contains 80 percent detail of the item in it. For this reason, people tend to look at photographs, and if they like the picture of it, they make a buy. But when you want to advertise it in different places like social media, banners, etc., you must keep changing the size of that particular image.

You can't use a 1:1 size photo to use it as a banner. You have to increase its size to a larger file. But when the file is a raster file after trying to change it, the image will lose its real quality and look horrible. Either the image will get blurry or fuzzy. But when the file is converted to a vector file. You can enlarge it or reduce the size, but the image details will always stay the same.

For Impressing Customers

An online store holder and daily you deal with uploading hundreds of images. They know how important it is to catch the attention of buyers. So, they need high-resolution pictures. But high-resolution photographs are obtained with the help of vector conversion.

The products you sell should be of the best quality because people sometimes try to save them on their phones, and most customers zoom in to check features. So, it should show all its attributes properly in the photograph. When the image answers most of the consumer questions, buyers will eventually get more impressed.

Who Needs a Raster to Vector Conversion Service?

Raster to vector conversion service is very essential for business growth. For advertising purposes that every business company requires the service. Still, to remove any confusion you fording whether you need this service or not, we have below mentioned who need raster to vector conversion service.

Any Businessman

Yes, you heard it right; no matter what your business or what product you sell, you must need a raster to vector conversion service. For boosting every business, advertising is a must. But it's impossible to advertise with one size picture.

You might need one size to post on social sites. Then again, you might need another size for making posters of that particular image. Here, every platform for advertising requires various sized photos where a raster image file fails to keep its quality when resized.

But a vector image can bear each characteristic of the photograph. Therefore, if you own a business, no matter if you sell a service or item, you need a raster to vector conversion service for promoting your business through high-quality pictures.

A Photographer

Whether he is new to the field or experienced, a photographer has to post their snaps daily on different social sites and websites. It's the most important part of their career. But as mentioned earlier, you know Instagram images require one size, Twitter requires other sizes ( 16:9 is the aspect ratio for Twitter ). The various websites need different ratio photos.

So to get your photos uploaded with the right size on different sites while having the same image quality, raster to vector conversion service is a must for photographers.


Just like all the other image editing options, raster to vector conversion also has different kinds. You should get knowledge on each of the types to make the right use of the service. Let's dive into the five kinds of raster to vector conversion services.

Vector Artwork

It's the kind of vector conversion service where raster images are redrawn. Whatever formation your file can have, our experienced photo artists can convert the file into a vector and make digital printing suitable. Also, they will make it high-quality for you to use in promotional production. We carefully, with our hands, draw the photos while converting to put everything that your buyer will seek in it.

Vector Line Art

With this technique, we convert an image into vector lines for presenting its skeleton or morph. For engraving, a shape conversion is a must. The time for the completion of the process will depend on its collaboration because it is done manually. The more artwork you require through the process, the more time it will consume.

Vector Illustration

An image contains a soft tone of color. Drawing it manually and in detail is what we know as vectorization. A raster picture usually consists of millions of small pixels along with million color variations. With vectorization, reproduction is impossible since it doesn't contain tiny pixels to bear the image's information of the small portion of the photograph. Our professional image editor can illustrate an image and make its vector graphic.

Exact Copy Vector

Sometimes we, unfortunately, lose artwork or logo files. But to make it again scalable, you should reproduce it. These files are useful for brochures, banners, product catalogs, etc., branding materials. So, if any of your artwork or logo is blurred, you can send that to us for vectorization.

Product Photo Vectorization

An online shop owner's target is always to display its items lucratively. So, product photos should look gorgeous. Raster images sometimes fail to depict them accurately. Hence, to show the tiniest detail of the product in a picture, vectorization is needed.

How does this service Help an E-commerce Business Owner?

Raster to vector conversion service is so beneficial for the eCommerce business owner. It mainly creates pixel-perfect photographs which provide all the details in the image. But there are several ways this service can help you grow your business faster. Let's check how you are helped through the raster to vector conversion service.

Provides Pixel Accurate Images

The first important fact is this service can provide you with pixel-perfect Images. This means all your item images will look crystal clear to the viewers that they will just by zooming in see every little feature of it.

Enhance the Appeal of the Product

Raster images never look appealing because they are always a little blurry looking. It makes an image zero interesting. But to increase its appeal, vectorization is what you need.

Keeps the Exact Details

Raster images are not as high in quality as vector images. Therefore, mostly they lose the quality and get fuzzy when downloaded. But if your buyer downloads the vector image you upload and shares it with others through various apps, the quality will remain the same.

Who Provides Raster to Vector Conversion Service?

Raster to vector conversion service providers are quite good in numbers. Many companies that have a team of experienced image editors are the raters to vector conversion service providers. We are one of them.

We not only give raster to vector conversion services but also other Photoshop services. All our services, including vector conversion, are top class and prioritized by the clients. We use all the advanced technology and updated versions of Photoshop to offer the best vector conversion of photos ever.

We will not let you feel regret after taking our service of photo vectorization. Our image editing experts are fast enough to do vector conversion of photos and give them a perfect look in no time.

Why are we the Best?

If you are visiting us for the first time, you must be thinking, why take a raster to vector image conversion service from us? For what reasons we should be considered as the best. The reasons are honestly many. Let's see why you should believe that we are the best raster to vector conversion service provider.

High-quality Image Vectorized Images

No matter how many projects we get for vector conversion, we ensure that you get quality photos with pixel accuracy. We always keep the picture resolution high enough that photographs will look like they are natural.

Responsibly Take Orders

When we take orders, we work well and send you the final goods in time. We don't like to make you hopeless about our capabilities. So, we are always ready to take as many orders as possible and offer all the client’s high-quality pictures.

Timely Product Deliveries

Yes, we indeed work on several projects, and so we always have busy schedules. However, whether or not we have much work pressure, we ensure timely deliveries.

Taking Urgent Orders

We understand, sometimes you need urgent edited images. But sadly, many raster-to-vector conversion service providers show negative signs. In such cases, leave all your worries and contact us direct. We even take urgent orders and within the given time by clients we deliver them.

Charging Affordable Budget

If you compare us with most other raster to vector conversion services, you will see we offer the most affordable price rates. At a cost, we will give you satisfactory service for sure.

Final Words

Raster to vector conversion service is so essential for growing your business that we can't describe it in a few words. Hence, we explained its necessity in the whole article. If you agree with what we said about the importance of this service and trust in us, don't hesitate to get in touch with us for the service any time you like.

PCR Achieve the look you want in a touch. PCR Graphics Studio has all the tools you'll need to perfect your portrait, product, landscape, real-estate, 360 degree photos or selfies.

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